Sunday, March 11, 2007

A Word On The Word for the Third Sunday in Lent 2007

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Peace be with you. This is A Word on the Word recorded live at Saint Gregory the Great, the Diocese of Bridgeport - Connecticut USA for the Third Sunday in Lent 2007. I'm Gregory Wencek. Our pastor is Fr. Angelo Arrando. This week Music from Strange Ensemble at Music dot PodShow dot com, the Homily from Fr. Raymond Scherba, news from Saint Gregory the Great and the Vatican plus the Crossroad message and a prayer written by Monsignor Nicholas V. Grieco of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish. Please pray for Victims of the Iraqi Conflict, Victims of terrorists and all sick and deceased members of the parish. ...

The readings for this week are Exodus, the first letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians and the Gospel from Luke. To hear them click on our link to the left. But now here is Father Ray ...

Can we presume to walk right in, past the Pearly Gates?
What does it mean to do the will of the Father?
Today's Gospel reminds us we have to be productive, to reduce suffering in this world.
We can't do it all but we must do something. Say a prayer for those in need.
Think of what the Lord is calling us to do? What is He saying to each of us?

Recorded at Saint Gregory the Great - Danbury, Connecticut March 11, 2007, noon mass. Thank you Father Ray.

Announcements from the bulletin

Soup ‘AND’ continues every Wednesday during Lent. Future hosts are:
on Mar. 14-St. James Episcopal Church
Mar. 21-First Congregational Church
and Mar. 28-King St.United Church of Christ

Within each of us is a failure to live up to the Gospel values. Evil does exist in and around us. We are not as steadfast as we are called to be. Ash Wednesday began our journey to Easter. We acknowledge our weakness and our need for grace and strength, for mercy and blessings in order to grow.

ASHES, signifying dust, old ways, former sin, and are used as a reminder that our old sinfulness is done away with through forgiveness and conversion. The ashes we received have only as much meaning as we give them. Make this symbolism a beginning. Our actions during Lent will reinforce our resolve to become a new people.

The St. Gregory the Great Pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Egypt will be this October. If you are considering being a part of this wonderful once in a lifetime event, we need to have a deposit of $250 per person so that we can finalize the plans. Please make checks payable to St. Gregory the Great Church and put “Pilgrimage” in the memo spot. Deposits are refundable if circumstances change. Tentative dates are October 8 - October 22, 2007. To help you decide here is a word from Vatican Radio.

Now here is another word from Vatican Radio...

As we stand at the Crossroads we know that: From the burning bush, Moses is called by God to lead his people out of slavery into freedom. Like the Hebrews of Scripture, we too often fail to heed God’s call. So we ask Adults & Teens: What “cultivating” do I need to do in order to bear good fruit as a disciple of Jesus? And Children: What will I do this week to show that I am a follower of Jesus?

In today’s second reading, St. Paul shows how the early church interpreted the sacred books of Israel, especially our first reading from Exodus. According to St. Paul, God’s help and punishments of Israel during the Exodus “happened to them as an example and they have been written down as a warning to us”. St. Paul finds Christ in the Exodus even though He is not explicitly mentioned. He concludes that this account is aimed at Jesus’ followers in the time of St. Paul. It is also for our time.

In the gospel, Luke recalls the parable of the fig tree. Barren of fruit for the last three years, the owner calls for it to be cut down. Yet the gardener asks for one more year. Such is the tolerance of God who waits “one more year” for us to repent and to bear the fruit of the kingdom.

At the 9:00 Mass this weekend, the first of three scrutinies is celebrated with our RCIA catechumen and candidate. These scrutinies are rites of purification and strengthening for the sacraments that will be received at the Easter Vigil. All over the world during the next three weeks, those approaching initiation into the death and Resurrection of Jesus come before their communities to be prayed over by the Church-the whole Church-not just their individual communities. As one community, we are reminded of our own Baptism and the unique status it gives to each of us, leading us to a deeper understanding of and appreciation for our status as sons and daughters of God.
This is a good time to review our Lenten journey.
Are we on target with our promises to God when Lent began? What changes are needed to correct our direction?
How is your household doing with silence and/or listening space? Discuss these questions with each other and make adjustments.
If you have questions drop us a line at

Music used this week is Winter Song by Strange Ensemble from Strange Ensemble is a Japanese designer looking for a "Strange sound".

We close this week with a prayer written by Monsignor Nicholas V. Grieco of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish. Monsignor is a member of the Pastor Advisory Committee

God, our Father in heaven, life itself and all we have are gifts you have freely bestowed upon us in love. It is from your hand that we have received all that we have… all that we are … and all that we will be. We praise you and we thank you.

In baptism you have called each of us to be a faithful disciple of your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Living our faith and working together, may we become what we are called to be — the Catholic Community in Fairfield County — bringing a message of love, hope, justice and peace to all through the good works of our ministries and apostolate.

Bless us with generosity that in love we may freely share our gifts with others. Bless us with understanding that we may recognize that everything we have is God’s gift. Bless us with wisdom that we may wisely use the gifts God has given us. Bless us with a true sense of joy — the fruit of generous and grateful giving.

May the Holy Spirit inspire us to respond to the 2007 Annual Bishop’s Appeal with generous love. May Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church, be with us to inspire, guide and protect us.

We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Well that's A Word on the Word for the third Sunday of Lent. Thank you for joining us.

God bless and Peace be with you. From Saint Gregory the Great parish, and Father Angelo.

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